Save Bees

Support Save Bees


I appreciate donations of any size 🐝💛 Funds go directly in support of my varied bee outreach activities here (website updates, research, photography, answering questions, and the like).

Tip any amount

Stripe Payment

Ðogecoin: @savebees


Credit cards are processed by Stripe on their servers. Dogecoin and Ethereum are cryptocurrencies processed on their blockchains. Dogecoin is perfect for tipping on the web, and has a strong community ethos around positivity (Do Only Good Everyday). Ethereum transitioned to proof-of-stake in 2022 (dropping its energy usage by 99.98%).


Thank you for your help spreading the word about saving our pollinators! My name is Elise Fog, and I began this project over 10 years ago with one simple idea: I felt I could help bees everywhere by connecting people to these vital creatures, and showing exactly what steps anyone anywhere could take to help bees thrive. There are so many little actions that, if everyone took just one or two, would really add up for the world’s bees.

This website receives peaks of 5,000 weekly visitors between early spring and autumn (which is wonderful, as it means that so many folks are interested in learning more about helping bees)! I sift through information with an eye to sharing thoroughly researched knowledge about pollinators and what we can do to help them. I also offer first aid advice to anyone who has found a struggling bee, in order to connect people with the highly rewarding experience of saving an individual bee (something which often changes folks' perceptions of bees forever)!

I have no affiliations with any companies or other entities, other than having donated bee photography and a percentage of some bee photo sales to the Xerces Society (who do amazing work on many levels supporting North American pollinators... a small handful of my Oregon bee photos ended up in their comprehensive book Attracting Native Pollinators).